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Biotechnology Courses at the BTC Institute – stipends available

Looking to incorporate more biotechnology into your curriculum? The BTC Institute in Madison is offering 2 sessions of summer course Biotechnology: The Basics to help you reach that goal! We are planning forBiotechnology: The Basics in-person (July 12-16, 2021), and Biotechnology: The Basics virtual (July 26-30, 2021).

Find out why one 2020 participant wrote: The course met and honestly exceeded my expectations! I was hesitant when the course went online, but I loved that we had the option to still take the course during the pandemic. The BEST part was that the instructors continued to do hands on activities with real equipment…the course was AMAZING and one of the best I have taken.”

Both courses are offered for stipends and optional graduate education credit. See: for details and registration.

Barbara Bielec, M.S. Genetics

K-12 Program Director, BTC Institute


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