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One of our core beliefs is that science teachers should have a voice and influence in policy decisions impacting education.  There are many policy issues facing science education in Wisconsin.  WSST is committed to advocating on behalf of its members and supporting teachers of Wisconsin in their advocacy efforts.

WI Science Standards – Complete!


Thank you to all those who are now supporting implementation of the new Wisconsin Standards for Science, which were based on the NRC K-12 Framework and NGSS.


Here’s a link to them as a Word doc, and PDF.


Appendix A provides WI contexts and engineering ideas. 


Assessment resources

Elementary resources



Advocate for a district science vision to support decision-making

Advocate for high quality instructional materials (many things out aren’t great)


Advocate for high quality PD time

Advocate for a true K-12 scope and sequence

Science added to the Wisconsin Report Card

Letter to Superintendent Tony Evers




Latest Licensing News Can Be Found at - 


PI-34 Proposed Changes

December 2017 the Department of Public Instruction sent notice of potential changes to PI 34.  PI 34 is the Wisconsin Administrative Code for Teacher Education Program Approval and Licensing, restructured teacher education, educator licenses, and professional development for Wisconsin educators.  One of the proposed changes is to simplify the licensure system by reduce the number of science certification to one “Broad Field” license. 


The second proposed change removes specification for teachers with licenses in agriculture, early childhood, middle childhood, middle childhood to early adolescence (a.k.a. elementary/middle) to receive preparation in environmental education.  On January 31st WSST posted commentary on the public hearing site their reaction to the proposed changes. 


View WSST's position on proposed changes to PI 34

January 31, 2018


January 2017, a series of licensing recommendations were released by the Leadership Group on School Staffing convened by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers and Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators Executive Director Jon Bales  It is not yet clear what the timeline or approval process is for these recommendations.  Some may be enacted through changes to administrative rules, while others may require changes to state law.  Details can be found in this document Full Summary of Preliminary Licensing Recommendations.


WSST understands the need for more flexibility, especially in rural schools.  However, effective teaching requires strong pedagogical and content knowledge.  


View WSST's response to these recommendations (Feb 26, 2017).

 Previous Advocacy Efforts   


The bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act was signed by President Obama in December 2015 to replace the No Child Left Behind legislation. Check out the NSTA Reports: What ESSA Means for STEM Education for more information. 



Every Student Succeeds With STEM Advocacy Kit:


 Letter to DPI: ESSA 



WSST Science Matters Essay Contest 



Teachers of science work every day to help our state’s children understand the foundational content of science and the process of science. We believe that evidence-based and publicly available science is a cornerstone of society.  Ethical use of scientific advances have a profoundly positive impact on people.


Read the WSST Statement of Support for the March on Science (03/21/17).


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