The WSST Documents govern and guide this organization's decision making process.
The Strategic Plan (Revised 2023)
The Constitution - The constitution should be a concise and lasting document. Changing the constitution should require a vote by the full membership of WSST. "Amended 3/2017 "
The ByLaws-
The bylaws will be a guide to direction of policy. Changing the bylaws should require a vote by the Board of Directors of WSST. (Reviewed, 6/28/2021
The policies will be the actions of committees, task forces and ad hoc committees. Policies are set by budget considerations. Policies shall be considered valid unless changed by majority vote of a subgroup of WSST with the consent of the officers.
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure policy for WSST.
WSST Conference Conduct Policy
This policy promotes a collegial and inclusive learning environment at our events.
Equity in Science Education Position Statement
As a chapter of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), WSST endorses NSTA's Position Statements.
Standing Committees Board Liaison
Handbooks "Committees and Leadership"