NGSS/WSST Instructional Materials Forum

WSST is excited to provide a forum for teachers and curriculum directors involved in reviewing and selecting instructional materials for science. The day will include opportunities for districts to share where they are at in the process of instructional materials selection and what they are looking for. The Next Generation Science Standards/WI Science Standards philosophies will be reviewed and tools will be provided for evaluating instructional materials. We’ll also discuss how to adapt materials to better align to the NGSS/WSS, as no resource is perfect.
To make the most out of the experience, districts are encouraged to send a team of educators representing a variety of grade levels. Morning snacks and lunch will be provided. The forum is free to all WSST members. The cost at the door for non-members is $25 (the cost of a WSST membership). To join WSST click on this link: Join
You may choose from one of the following forums which will take place from 9 am - 3 pm.
April 17 - Menasha High School - 420 7th St, Menasha (Limit 60)
April 26 - Whitnall District Office - 5000 S. 116th Street, Greenfield (Limit 50)
May 1 or 3 (TBD) - CESA 9 - 04 Kaphaem Rd, Tomahawk (Limit 40)
May 10 or 11 (TBD) - UW Stout (Limit TBD)
May 16 - UW-Baraboo/SC 1006 Connie Rd, Baraboo, WI Room A-001 (Limit 60)
To register, use this link: bit.ly/2E2lDfg