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Upham Woods Virtual Resources

Upham Woods will be hosting a virtual learning debrief and resource

share with K-12 educators for 8/26 at 3:30 PM.

Debrief how the start of the school year and virtual learning is going -highlight and organize/categorize challenges to revisit

Train educators on how to use Upham's virtual resources;

-virtual field trip options

Share grant-funded initiatives and how to participate

  • Revisit challenges and seek solutions through available resources

  • How can Upham Woods meet these needs through what we have available and what we have funding for?

We will come into the conversation with the challenges and needs we have identified by participating in the professional development that's been offered through WSST this summer as well as our other professional networks and partnerships.

Research Accelerators Fall 2020

Time: Aug 26, 2020 3:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 1192 3547

Passcode: 904295

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