Looking for Teachers Who Use Live Crayfish in Education

Purdue University and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant are currently researching the motivations of teachers using live crayfish in classrooms. This research is a part of my master’s thesis.
We are interviewing science teachers in grades 3 – 12 who have used live crayfish in their classes. Interviews will last around 1-hour and we will conduct them online or over the phone. You will receive a $40 Venmo payment or check for your time. If this interests you, please fill out this form. Also if you know someone else who may be interested, please share this information with them!
Your participation is purely voluntary and you can skip over any questions you don’t want to answer. This protocol has been reviewed by the Purdue Institutional Review Board (IRB protocol #2024-1344, title “Teachers’ Use and Task Values of Crayfish in the Classroom”) and we will protect your confidentiality in accordance with IRB policies.
If you have any questions about the interview or study, you can contact me, Izzy Paulsen, atipaulsen@purdue.edu or Dr. Stuart Carlton, the PI of the study, at carltons@purdue.edu.
Thank you for your time!
All the best,
Izzy Paulsen